Yesterday, I posted a layout of my daughter using dollar store supplies including paper doilies. Well, I have twins. So that means I have to make two of every layout but just a little different each time to make it special for each girl. If I don't make them similar, they get upset, but if I make them identical, they get upset. The joys of motherhood! Anyway! Here is the "similar" layout that I made for my other daughter. Hope you enjoy.
I used a different set of stickers from the Dollar Tree. I love these so much I went back and got more!!! :-)
The other supplies used were purchased in the same manner as my other daughter's layout - mostly from the Dollar Tree. I swear, I'm as addicted to that store as I am to Craigslist. So sad.
Skrimp N Skrap!
What a beautiful layout! Love all the pink!