Sharing my search for inexpensive crafts, craft storage and general craft therapy!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

CKC Stock Up

I spent yesterday at the Creating Keepsakes Convention.  It was a lot of fun as usual and I discovered a new favorite booth at the vendor faire, too!
 I always check out the booth - and rarely leave without buying something.  This year it was 3 large sets of Fancy Pants stamps for $8.00 each and a couple smaller sets for $4.00 each.  Seeing as the large sets used to retail up to $39.99, I think I did pretty well.  I also picked up 3 sets of Fancy Pants rub-ons - gorgeous at $1 a piece - as well as a bunch of cardstock stickers and journalling spots.

The Scrapbooking Closeouts booth has more great deals.  I got 7 clear stamps sets there for $22 - and they are gorgeous!  This is the same booth where I got a bunch of butterfly embellishments last year.  This year they had a smaller version at 12 for $1. them in every color.  I couldn't resist getting more cardstock stickers at this booth either.

This was my last purchase location.  I have used a bunch of pink flower rhinestones in recent projects and came to CKC specifically to restock.  I had hoped to find them at or the Scrapbooking Closeouts booth - no luck.  Then, I came across this great new booth.  It is Tallmouse Crafts (  21 mm flower-shaped rhinestones at 30 for $1?  I'll take it!  I'm totally hoping that they will be at every convention so I can re-stock without shipping charges!

Skrimp N Skrap!  Now to figure out where to store everything.  :-(

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Sounds like you've grabbed some really good bargains! :)


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